In 2022 our country is going to complete 75 years of Independence so to make our country literal we have to do following things. First of all we have to make discipline and rule in the school to make students on time. We have enough attention to the quality aspect of Education while Enrollment, Attendance and Completion are important. It is paramount that every child gets a high quality education to determine if that is indeed happening. We need to focus on learning outcomes and constantly keep testing to make our school good.
In this reference our school prepares students to understand contribute to and succeed in rapidly changing society and thus make the world a better more just place. We will ensure that our students develop both the skills a sound liberal arts education and the competencies essential for success and leadership in the emerging creative economy. We will also lead in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that enables people to better understand our world and improves conditions for local and global communities. We will establish the school where design and social research drive approaches to studying issue of our time such as democracy, urbanization technological change, economy improvement and globalization. We will be the preeminent intellectual and creative centre for effective engagement in world that increasingly demands better designed objects, communication, system and organization to meet social needs. Our goals should be –
Creative innovation and a desire to challenge the status in what and how we teach and in intellectual ambitions of the school itself.
Students’ academic experience helps them to become critically engaged citizens dedicated in solving problems.
We will fulfill our mission by extending the school legacy as a non-traditional college and community.
Our school will focus on and engage with critical contemporary issues with collaborative, project based learning.
Our school has a big library having various types of books concerning education with all facilities. So it is expected that in the next three years the school will improve reading habits of students at all the stages.
Our school has spacious and airy classrooms equipped with CCTV camera, big playground, Genset and RO – water facility.
Our School has bus facility with CCTV camera.
Our school is trying to have a class library with other learning resources for hands-on-experiences in the next three years.
The school will develop student friendly, fear-free environment to enhance regularity. It will improve the learning levels to at least 60-80% in three years and 100% by 2022.
The school will prepare the health profile of every child.
We try our best to make literate the persons living nearby community every year.
So we hope that by 2022. Our school will achieve 100% literacy in the nearby community utilizing school resources.
Every year our school has plantation activity and students are inspired for creative environmental awareness. So it is expected that by 2022, the school will achieve plantation of 2000 trees plants in the area where it is located creating environmental awareness among students and sensitizing the community members.
The school will create a mechanism to provide training to all children from class VIII onwards in a skill area which has utility in the local community and in the wider world of work.